Hello Spring! It's almost time for P2C2!
Geeky tendencies General news Miniatures P2C2

P2C2 is almost here! Come and hang out with us at the Prairie Pop Culture Celebration in Saskatoon on March 29th at the Western Development Museum.
Happy Holidays!

We are wrapping things up for the year around here. We have one last holiday market next weekend, and then it will be December, which means shipping deadlines. With Canada Post on strike, we've been using Purolator to get our packages out. It does cost a bit more though, so we've changed the available options in the shopping cart. I still suggest placing any orders before December 2nd, to give us time to actually make your product, since at this point of the year almost everything is made to order.
Sask expo!

Saskatoon Entertainment Expo is nearly here! May 4 & 5, 2024. We spend a few hours yesterday mocking up our booth, as we are trying to fit more than ever in the same amount of space. You will find us in the same spot as last year, booth 234 in Artist Alley! Some things you can expect to see this year: Large Dice Bags with Built in OrganizersSmall Dice BagsMini Dice BagsItsy Bitsy Dice BagsSpell-books (3 sizes)Dice Trays (3 Sizes)Battle-map Dice traysTarot Card WrapsNew! Mythic Mugs Can Holders - Game Night drinks in STYLENew! Dice Towers - by popular demand...
How is it April??
Geeky tendencies General news shows

The first quarter of this year has screamed by. Here's a bit on what we've been up to. - We've launched the new series of Battle Map Dice Trays - if you haven't seen these GO check them out. They are in very limited quantities, and some designs are sold out. But I'll be making more this spring, so if you have a design you want to come back, drop me a note. - I've got a bunch of new fabrics in, some custom prints, some designer quilting cottons. Follow me on Instagram to see the newest reveals there, and let...
Happy Holidays and Year End Clearance Sale Dates
boxing day boxing week happy holidays sale year end

To all my geeky goblins out there, we love you so much. You have made this year amazing. We've added new products, and done some new shows, and met so many amazing people (that's you - you are the amazing people!). While we are looking forward to next year, things are going through a bit of an upheaval at the moment in our personal lives, so we are postponing our Year End sale until Mid-January (probably the weekend of the 15th). This sale is where I typically clear out any prints that I am phasing out, to make room for...