From the Creators — Miniatures
RPG Box Set - Frog Witch
Miniatures Painting To the Nines

Sometimes I'll see a set of dice or a single die and feel inspired by it. Sometimes I'll be inspired by a mini, a theme, concept or even something I heard in a podcast. Often I'm inspired to put a set together like this one. I purchased this Dire D20 from Die Hard Dice called 'Dreamscape Nightshade'. It felt kind of magical. I had this little pewter Frog Witch miniature from Dark Sword Miniatures (sculpted by the fabulous Dave Summers). I thought to myself, these two belong together. So, I painted her in colouring to compliment the D20. Well it didn't...
Painting a Young Blue Dragon Miniature
Miniatures Painting To the Nines

How does one paint a blue dragon? However you want is the answer, but here's how I did it. Now to begin with whenever I paint a mini for the first time I have a tendency to want to stay as true to the original artists rendition as possible. Not just to honour their vision, but as a starting point. Sort of like using a recipe to guide your way. I do this especially when I'm feeling a lack of my own inspiration. What is speed painting? For many people, speed painting is when they give themselves a short deadline in which...