From the Creators — Painting
Making grass tufts!
Painting Process Videos To the Nines

@nerfblat Making grass tufts!!! I’d run out of my favourite tuft tac glue from Woodland Scenics. Can’t just use any old glue for these, you need stuff that not only dries clear but doesn’t completely harden and remains a bit tacky when dried. This stuff works great. Saves a lot of time when I’m basing a mini or making a diorama if i have tufts of grass in all shapes colours and sizes just ready to go. I use a super handy @wwscenics pro grass box powered by a 9 volt battery with 2mm and 4mm static grass. #woodlandscenics #grasstufts...
RPG Box Set - Frog Witch
Miniatures Painting To the Nines

Sometimes I'll see a set of dice or a single die and feel inspired by it. Sometimes I'll be inspired by a mini, a theme, concept or even something I heard in a podcast. Often I'm inspired to put a set together like this one. I purchased this Dire D20 from Die Hard Dice called 'Dreamscape Nightshade'. It felt kind of magical. I had this little pewter Frog Witch miniature from Dark Sword Miniatures (sculpted by the fabulous Dave Summers). I thought to myself, these two belong together. So, I painted her in colouring to compliment the D20. Well it didn't...
Painting a Young Blue Dragon Miniature
Miniatures Painting To the Nines

How does one paint a blue dragon? However you want is the answer, but here's how I did it. Now to begin with whenever I paint a mini for the first time I have a tendency to want to stay as true to the original artists rendition as possible. Not just to honour their vision, but as a starting point. Sort of like using a recipe to guide your way. I do this especially when I'm feeling a lack of my own inspiration. What is speed painting? For many people, speed painting is when they give themselves a short deadline in which...